Who I've Decided To Vote For, and Why
I’ve written about some of the detriments of social media before, so you might ask yourself why I’m still on it. It’s because I like a lot of what I see on there. A lot of it is fun and funny and endearing, like pictures of your families and vacation and food. And if I’m friends with or following you, it’s because I LIKE you. Some of your opinions about things may not be in alignment with mine, but I still like you.
When it comes to this election, though, I don’t really see a lot of people singing the praises of their candidate on social media. Are you truly excited about and proud of who you’re voting for? If you are, well…congratulations. I don’t know many people who aren’t simply voting against the other person. I think if we’re all being honest we would have to say that both major party candidates have some pretty serious flaws. If you’re voting your conscience, chances are you’re voting for one of the others that likely won’t get elected.
No offense, but I don’t super care who you’re voting for. I see so much divisiveness in this election it’s starting to make me feel hopeless for our world, and I think social media has a direct correlation to the anger that is being felt for these candidates. I didn’t used to know that much about people’s passion and opinions, and I think I liked it better that way.
Aside from that, I must vote as though mine is the deciding vote. I must vote for someone who holds more of my values than the other candidate. I must vote for a party that is for more of the things I care about for my family and for our world. I must vote for someone that can actually win. I believe that if I vote for someone who only has 15% support, or write in Jimmy Fallon, or abstain it will accomplish nothing. No one cares if I’m so appalled over the choices that I stay home. I know people who say they vote for a person, not a party. I’m not sure I ever agree with that. But this election, more importantly than many other times in history, that should not apply. This President will appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. And that person will help make decisions that will affect yours, your kids’ and your grandkids’ lives. With that in mind, should that person should reflect most of your passions and values?
I have made peace with the fact that I’m not excited about the choices for President. Truth be told, every day I am embarrassed that America has decided that this is the best we have to offer. But what I can’t handle is the amount of unfriending over someone’s differing opinion. Is your passion for your candidate (or against the other) stronger than your affection for the people you’re supposedly friends with? Are you disavowing your parents or siblings over your disagreement that they’re voting for “the evil one”? Are you going to unfamily them, or just choose not to talk about it at family gatherings? I’m guessing (hoping) it’s the latter, and wondering why it’s so easy then to hit that unfriend button?
I’m not going to tell you who I’m voting for because I don’t think you care. And I want to continue to see pictures of your kids, family vacations and food. I also don’t think you would or should base your decision on how I’m going to vote, so why would I share? I do, however, encourage you to vote even if you’ve claimed #nevertrump and #neverhillary. Pick one. I won’t judge. But please resist the urge to dislike others that disagree.